MNS - vertaling naar russisch
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MNS - vertaling naar russisch


= Movimento Nacional-Sindicalista


Museu Nacional Suíço

O Museu Nacional Suíço (MNS; em alemão: Landesmuseum) é na realidade formado por um conjunto de museus espalhados pela Suíça que dependem directamente do Departamento Federal do Interior (DFI). O seu objectivo é de realizar exposições destinada a mostrar a história cultural da Suíça desde as épocas mais recuadas até aos nossos dias . O primeiro foi o Landesmuseum de Zurique.

Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor MNS
1. In a report «Marathi victim due to MNS in Nashik» the Sena mouthpiece «Saamna» yesterday criticized the MNS for being responsible for the Marathi man’s death.
2. Another person, Rehman Bhai, made similar allegations against MNS activists.
3. The police arrested 11 MNS workers after the incident.
4. Police arrested 30 MNS workers in Nashik on charges of disturbing peace.
5. The meeting was necessitated following attacks on north Indians, a fallout of the anti–north Indians tirade launched by Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS). After MNS chief Raj Thackeray had raised the issue of «Marathi persons», there were political overturns all over the state with some parties coming in support of the north–Indians, and others singing the tunes of MNS.